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Sept 2021
Cape Town
Cape Town
Every Thought You’ve Ever Had
Music Video & Cover Design
Music video and cover design for Pan Well’s first solo release Every Thought You’ve Ever Had.

Performed and recorded in Pan Well’s bedroom, Every Thought You've Ever Had is essentially about that - one’s thoughts, emotions and feelings that come rushing all at once.
The music video tells a story of one’s thoughts, emotions and feelings that come rushing all at once. Going on a journey which dip through the juxtaposed worlds of dark and light. Exploring intensity, tension, growth and a movement to euphoria - a trip through one’s mind.

The video is created in After Effects and fully riso printed at Dream Press, South Africa. It consists out of 1102 frames spread over x12 A3's, printed, scanned and put back together on the computer. The colours used are Yellow, Orange, Bright Red, Teal and Black.
Written, Produced, Performed & Mixed: Pan Well
Additional Production on ETYEH: Thor Rixon & Josh Hartdegen
Mastering: Ross Fink
Additional Animation: Tim Jardim

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